2017-18 Rotary Club Officers

Assistant Governor Dianne Yundt conducted the swearing in of new 2017-18 officers at our June 26 meeting at the home of Stan & Catherine Malcolm. This years banner by Rotary President Risley, Making a Difference was received by new club president Ron as well as president pin. Past President Stan was given a custom made cane compliments of Rotarian Doug Fread. Rotarian Stan and Catherine provided dinner helped by Rotarian Len. Past president Stan thanked all who made his year a success. President Ron vowed continued success for our club. Thank you to Nelda Oliver for the many photos at this event and many others.
2017-18 Officers PresidentPresident Elect
TBDPast President
Stan Malcolm SecretaryTreasurer
Heather EllisAssistant Treasurer
Bruce RadfordFoundation Chair
Doug Goudy Membership Public Relations Administration Youth Exchange Counsellor Youth Exchange OfficerProgram Committee Chair
Doug Goudy Leave a Legacy Foundation Golf Committee Chair Sergeant-at-Arms (Prime) Sergeant-at-Arms (Shared) Literacy Committee Chair Web & Social Media Executive Secretary
