I moved to St. Marys in 1991 to be with my husband, in the early years I was busy working and raising the children. When they were older and didn’t need me as much I looked for something to fill my time. While I enjoyed playing sports and still enjoy golf and paying darts, I felt it was time to give back.
I started by joining the Army, Navy and Airforce as a Ladies Auxiliary and was secretary/treasurer for a number of years. I then joined Habitat for Humanity and became very involved with Habitat, was the Board Treasurer and the Chair of the Restore for six years. When Stratford-Perth joined forces with London I left as I could not make it to London for Board Meetings and they no longer needed me for the Restore.
After a little break in Volunteering I again looked for a new organization that I believed in. I first tried to be part of the Stratford Boys and Girls Club but sadly the club did not make it in Stratford.
In September 2015 I started work at Veterinary Purchasing where we are very committed to sponsoring community projects. Len Hawkins had been my neighbour for a number of years and was in picking up a donation to the silent auction and while in conversation with him convinced me that I would be a great addition to Rotary.
I read up on the many projects and committees that Rotary had and did indeed think that I would enjoy being part of that organization. I joined in April 2016 and almost immediately joined the Literacy committee. I enjoy coming up with project ideas that helps promote literacy in the community and hope to continue to be part of this committee. In July 2017 I assumed the role of Treasure, this has allowed me to really see all aspects of Rotary and what we endeavor to do as a group.
I continue to enjoy the weekly comradery and have made many new friends in my short time as a Rotarian. I hope to continue to be part of Rotary and all the great contributions to the community the make.
Rotarian Heather Ellis