We braved the elements to load Container #67
Here's some pictures of our adventures....
The Global Literacy Project collects and distributes unneeded school supplies from schools being closed in South Western Ontario such as desks, chairs, blackboards, sports equipment and musical instruments shipped to South Africa where they are distributed to rural schools that have next to nothing.
As of August 2016- 63 containers packed with school supplies have been shipped mainly to South Africa where the students and teachers have very few facilities. To ship each container it costs approximately $6500but after being packed with school supplies, It contains well over $100,000 in usable equipment to help learners further their education.
To date about 25% of the containers have been financed by the Rotary Club of Grand Bend with another 25% of the funding supplied by many other Rotary Clubs. Individuals and foundations have provided the rest of the money. The containers are loaded in Southwestern Ontario by Rotarians and other volunteers and when they arrive at their final overseas destinations Partner Rotary Clubs arrange for the volunteer unloading and distribution to the schools and school boards.
See more at: http://www.grandbendrotary.com/SitePage/global-literacy-project/related-page-11#sthash.ae7O52OD.dpuf
What’s in a container? Container contents depend on what’s available but often include 250-300 student desks and chairs, 20 teacher’s desks and chairs, 20 file cabinets, coat racks, 50 computers, several pianos, overhead projectors or VCRs, 60 children’s work tables and stacking chairs, sports equipment for volleyball, soccer and baseball, medical supplies, 5 wheelchairs, 60 crutches, 1000 crocheted mats made from milk bags and 20,000 textbooks, reading and reference books. Sometimes dried soup mix is included.