Rotary Scoreboard at CBHF
A note from President Doug Goudy...
The Rotary Club of St. Marys would like to thank Dale Robinson, Forman Electric, Rotary International District 6330 and the Rotarians who donated time, materials and equipment that allowed us to erect the Rotary Field Scoreboard in time for the Induction Ceremonies at the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. This represents a donation of $10,000 and brings the Rotary Club of St. Marys total donation over the years to $260,000 to the CBHFM. Rotary has been a long supporter of this national project to honour Canadian Baseball Greats. We see the project as laid out by the planning committee of the CBHFM as a major boost for tourism and growth in the Town of St. Marys. This scoreboard will allow tournaments with games on Rotary Field to better serve the fans who come to watch the games.
From out of all of this hard work...


resulted in this completed installation of the electronic scoreboard...

Don't forget to check out the 'Rotary Scoreboard' photo album for more pictures and captions!
It was no small feat for the Rotary construction team to finish installing the scoreboard in time for the 2016 CBHF Induction Weekend. Although there were a number of Rotarians involved in this project from grant writing to photography, it is with deep gratitude, especially with the number of challenges we faced that we thank Pres Doug Goudy, Doug Fread, Charlie Hammond, Pierre Chateauvert and Stan Malcolm. You are all brave men!