World Water Day that began in 1993 has become an annual UN observance day that highlights the importance of freshwater. The theme of each March 22nd focuses on topics relevant to clean water, sanitation and hygiene. In 2021, the focus is 'valuing water'. What does water mean to people, what is its true value and how we can better protect this vital resource?
“At least 3,000 children die each day from diarrheal diseases caused by unsafe water, a grim reminder for Rotary members who make providing clean water and sanitation an organizational priority. While very few people die of thirst, millions die from preventable waterborne diseases, providing the impetus for our members to provide toilets and latrines and other clean water initiatives in underdeveloped countries. Members also teach these communities to maintain new infrastructure, and organize educational projects to promote hand-washing and other good hygiene habits.
Though 22 March is recognized as World Water Day, our commitment to these causes is ongoing.” By Adam Ross
For example, in Ghana, Rotarians Samuel spearhead projects to install latrines, washing stations, and toilets across Ghana. In Latin America, youth from Connecticut, USA, lay water pipelines for communities for high altitude villages. Dozens of other water projects await financial support, from water harvesting in Mexico to a well for clean potable water in Egypt.
Or meet us in São Paulo on 4 June for our World Water Summit, the seventh time Rotary members have hosted NGOs, nonprofits, businesses, and concerned citizens of the world for learning, networking, and discussion around clean water. In addition to our summit, members regularly host water experts for roundtable discussions at their clubs. In Evanston, Illinois, join local and national experts for Tap Into Lake Michigan, a panel discussion on local perspectives to the global water crisis on 31 March. The event brings together Rotary members and the general public to mingle with influencers and representatives of local water organizations. Our commitment to clean water is stronger than ever. We have over 1.2 million members in more than 34,000 clubs in nearly every corner of the world.